
The value of understanding why a gear oil is failing

Gearboxes are an essential machinery component, and they need to be correctly lubricated in order to function efficiently and for their expected lifespan. However, choosing the right lubricant for a particular gearbox can seem daunting.   National Sales Manager for Lubrication Engineers (LE) South Africa, Llewellyn Owen, says that the first

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Lubrication solutions for plastics manufacturing

Plastics are an ever-growing and significant industrial sector, meaning that plastics production, moulding and conversion operations need the support of high-quality lubricants to ensure long-lasting performance. While there are some general application lubricants that can work well in different parts of the plastics production process, in some cases, specialist functions

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Correct Lubricants

Achieving energy efficiency with correct lubrication

With colder winter weather setting in across the country and the possibility of electricity supply uncertainties arising again as South Africa’s COVID-19 lockdown eases, companies will be looking for ways to take the best possible care of their equipment and reduce their energy consumption. The economic blow of global shifts

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Wastewater Treatment

Lubrication key for wastewater treatment plants to operate effectively

In South Africa, awareness about the value and scarcity of water has increased in the face of significant droughts in many regions of the country. This has brought with it a greater understanding of the need to manage existing water resources and infrastructure well, including wastewater treatment plants. South Africa

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Smeeroplossings vir elke vereiste op die plaas

Suksesvolle boere vermoei hulle nie net met die bestuur van gewasse of vee nie; hulle hou ook ’n vinger op die pols van die daaglikse onderhoudsbehoeftes van hul landboutoerusting. Dit kan wissel van grootskaalse masjinerie soos trekkers en stropers, tot plaasvoertuie en kleiner implemente, soos bakkies, vragmotors, sleepwaens en grassnyers.

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Grease Myths

Three myths of lubrication that need busting

As specialists in lubrication reliability solutions, the team at Lubrication Engineers (LE) South Africa frequently comes up against myths relating to lubricants. “People believe things or are taught things about oils and greases that are not necessarily true, and by implementing this bad advice or outdated practices, they risk compromising

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Equipment Care

Company aids mines in better equipment care, improves longevity

In a tough economic climate, South Africa’s mining, cement and other industrial sector players are facing numerous challenges, including a strained electricity supply, rising operating costs, and fuel increases. This has put them under pressure to maintain profitability by cutting costs. However, cutting costs in the wrong places could have

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