Lubrication System Tractor

Universal tractor fluid -one product for all your agricultural needs

Universal tractor fluids offer farmers one multipurpose lubricant solution for almost every requirement. Callum Ford, National Marketing Manager for Lubrication Engineers (LE) South Africa, explains that universal tractor fluids can be used for gears, pumps and bearings. It can also be used across all major tractor brands and as a

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Lubrication Engineers Logo

LE South Africa ready to meet all lockdown plant lubrication needs

As South Africa is under national lockdown to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, Lubrication Engineers (LE) South Africa is able to assist companies in protecting their equipment with proper lubrication and accessories. “We have been issued our essential services permit as a critical repair supplier, so we are able to meet customers’ needs even

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Smeeroplossings vir elke vereiste op die plaas

Suksesvolle boere vermoei hulle nie net met die bestuur van gewasse of vee nie; hulle hou ook ’n vinger op die pols van die daaglikse onderhoudsbehoeftes van hul landboutoerusting. Dit kan wissel van grootskaalse masjinerie soos trekkers en stropers, tot plaasvoertuie en kleiner implemente, soos bakkies, vragmotors, sleepwaens en grassnyers.

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Agricultural Equipment

Protecting agricultural equipment with correct transmission fluids

Agricultural equipment is a major capital investment. Yet many farmers risk compromising their equipment and experiencing failures due to using incorrect or poor transmission fluids in their tractors, bailers, trucks and other machinery. The purpose of transmission fluid is to lubricate the components of a vehicle’s transmission and to act

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